Since taking office President Biden's White House has leased more places offshore for oil and gas drilling than even Trump did while in office.
The White House has consistently said that they have no choice but to follow through on leasing plans that were made by the Trump administration. They've also claimed that they must allow more leasing in order to get Joe Manchin's support for clean energy and climate investments like the Inflation Reduction Act.
But none of that explains why they're planning to lease tons of new offshore space for oil gas drilling in 2023-2028, exactly the years President Biden says he will cut global warming pollution in the us by 50%.
The current plan turns the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic into a sacrifice zone, again. But we've been fighting attempts to expand risky offshore drilling since way back, and we know we can win.
The public has a chance to weigh in on this proposed five-year offshore oil and gas leasing program this week, and we've made it easy: Click "start writing" to send your official comment telling them "no new leases" in the new five year plan.
Drew and the 198 methods to stop offshore drilling since way back crew
PS - prefer to send a comment without getting on a lot of mailing lists? Communal comment pages let us deliver a lot of messages, fast, which is important to these kind of public dockets. But if you prefer, use this page to send a comment with our friends at People vs Fossil fuels and avoid all the mailing lists.
Body image from Arby Reed