Welcome to Tuesday, October 4th, paints and canvases...

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol spent six weeks this summer analyzing the “attempted coup.” Here’s what we learned.

The panel laid out Trump's “sophisticated, seven-part plan” to illegally remain in power after his election loss to President Joe Biden.

Ginni Thomas' involvement is still unclear. She said she attended a pro-Trump rally near the White House on Jan. 6, but left before the attack. Thomas pressured Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Arizona and Wisconsin lawmakers to reject the election results.

The committee asserts that the Capitol march was planned, despite claims that Trump’s call to attack the Capitol was spontaneous.

The committee provided new evidence of the tension between former Vice President Mike Pence and Trump as Pence refused Trump’s demands to reject Biden’s win.

Do you think the Department of Justice should prosecute Trump?

6 Ways You Can Help Pollinators

Habitat degradation, urbanization, industrial pollution, and agricultural chemicals have greatly reduced bee and pollinating insect populations around the world. We must act fast to counter this decline and avoid mass extermination, or the "insectageddon."

You can help pollinators by planting native flowers and plants, planting milkweed and pussy willow, constructing a bee hotel, nixing and remixing your lawn, working with urban community gardens, and providing watering holes.

Are you worried about "insectageddon"?


To remind Americans of the historical (and ongoing) struggle to be represented, we created a series of Ts on major moments in Voting Rights.

Someone fought for your right to vote. Use it.

Now remind someone else.

Check out Causes' official "VOMO: Vote or Miss Out" merchandise. All proceeds go to the American Civil Liberties Union.

Purchase your VOMO swag here.

All the Memes Fit to Post

And, In The End...

Welcome to World Animal Day. The mission of today is to improve the treatment and welfare standards for animals around the globe. How will you be helping?

—Jamie Epstein

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