We wanted to make sure you saw this urgent update on net neutrality that we sent you recently. It's not too late, and every donation counts! Hi, When Donald Trump appointed former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai as chairman of the FCC, Pai wasted no time repealing protections for net neutrality.1 But now, nearly two years since Trump lost and Pai resigned, we *still* don't have net neutrality. How is that possible? Because of Comcast and its big money lobbyists. Over the last 19 months, a nasty smear campaign against President Biden's pick to fill Ajit Pai's open seat on the FCC has blocked a vote on her confirmation. And with the FCC stuck in a 2-2 tie, it hasn't been able to take action on net neutrality or a host of other key issues for internet freedom.2 Here’s the good news: Champions in Congress have introduced legislation that would establish the strongest net neutrality protections ever, bringing us one step closer to restoring net neutrality. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Comcast and its lobbyists have used fake grassroots groups, nasty smear campaigns, and mountains of cash to pressure the Senate to block confirmation of President Biden's replacement for Ajit Pai, Gigi Sohn. As a result, in most states, the monopolies that control our internet access can throttle data, block services they don’t like, and jack up your internet bill with new fees.3 As long as the tie-breaking fifth seat on the FCC remains open, the commission is deadlocked 2-2 and unable to move forward on major policy decisions like net neutrality. This shameless campaign of delay and obstruction has effectively kept the FCC locked in the bad old days of the Trump administration and Ajit Pai. Without strong net neutrality protections, ISPs like Comcast will be able to charge unfair fees and prioritize traffic for big corporations while dumping others on an internet slow lane. That’s why this net neutrality legislation is so important: to ensure that one way or another, we will secure a free and open internet! With gratitude for all you do, Sources: ![]() PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Join our online community on Facebook or Twitter. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. |