This is my work, and I think of it as my contribution to moving the ball forward for patriotic immigration reform.
Below is a message from's tenured writer and editor, James Fulford, regarding our 20th Anniversary. James does an enormous amount of behind-the-scenes work for His ability to remember everything that’s ever been published on the site is a pillar of the institutional memory here, and it is expressed every day through the fact checking and hyperlinking you see on blogs and articles. Unfortunately for James, I forbid all hyperlinks to anything but the donate page in fundraising letters!

Later in this campaign, we'll share messages from many other staff, contributors and supporters of as we celebrate the past, present and future of immigration patriotism.

Thank you most profoundly to those of you who have already contributed -- we've had more than 700 donations so far! If you'd like to donate now, please click the link above. And thanks again.

Lydia Brimelow Publisher
[email protected]
From James Fulford:

I started working for in 2001, at a time when I was unemployed. I got this job by winning the world-famous War Against Christmas competition. I used Google to hunt around systematically for egregious examples, and won! This, by the way, is still, 18 years later, something many members of the mainstream media cannot do.

In a 2011  New York Times scandal, the NYT accidentally exposed the identity of a young victim in the Penn State rape case  by writing  a profile that was, according to the Pennsylvania Patriot-News  "so detailed that, even though they do not name him, googling certain information in the profile results in the young man's name within seconds."
This wasn’t deliberate—apparently professional New York Times reporters didn’t realize you could do that.'s Peter Brimelow, impressed by my research skills, offered me a job, paying actual money, which I needed at the time. Financially, I was where Tiny Tim was in A Christmas Carol.

Now, working for as editor, fact-checker, and citation-maker is a full-time job for me, and my role is one of the things that really sets us apart.

We do things that the New York Times, with all their hundreds of millions of dollars of debt, can’t manage:
  • When we quote something, we cite it and link to it.

  • When we tell you that there’s a new study, a new law, a new book, or a new report, we link to that, so you can see for yourself that we’re telling the truth.

  • Where it is possible to prove something, we prove it.

It's simple. The thing is, we know that our arguments are well founded and that our audience is smart enough to handle the truth. If you want to dive deep into the original sources for our material, we want to make sure that source material is there for your diving pleasure. Providing that is my work, and I think of it as my contribution to moving the ball forward for patriotic immigration reform.

The Treason lobby , conversely, largely foregoes fact checking, and are, at the same time, very well funded by the likes of the $12.5 billion dollar Ford Foundation, the $100 million a year operating budget ACLU and $12 million in assets MALDEF.

    Tamar Jacoby’s ImmigrationWorksUSA is a good example of how thick the gravy is on the Treason Lobby gravy train. ImmigrationWorksUSA is essentially the opposite of, as evidenced by the twin goals of their missions statement: "to educate the public about the benefits of immigration and build a mainstream grassroots constituency in favor of better law". Posted on their website is a list of their “Trade Association Partners”—the employers of cheap, illegal, labor that displaces American workers.
    Funding Tamar: US Poultry and Egg Association, US Chamber of Commerce, National Restaurant Association, American Hotel and Lodging Association, The Associated General Contractors of America, The North Carolina Growers Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Homebuilders, Contractors, Dairy Farmers, Hoteliers, Meatpackers, Landscape Gardeners, Chain Restaurants, and both The National Turkey Federation and the National Chicken Council...the list actually goes on.

    These deep pocketed donors are symbolically sorted by ImmigrationWorksUSA  into the Ellis Island Circle, Cesar Chavez Circle, Gold Mountain (19th century Chinese immigration) Circle and, at the very bottom, the Mayflower Circle.

    But they’re not funding this because of ethnic angst.

    These are all organizations dedicated to not paying First World wages—so lobbyists get rich ensuring American workers stay poor.

    I've been with through thick and thin. And times have sometimes been very thin indeed. But we have always been able to count on the generosity of our readers to make support the cause, and those of us who have dedicated out lives to it.

    Here are some of the other things I'm proud to be a part of at that the MSM isn’t doing:

    • Reporting on "Immigrant Mass Murders"—killings like those committed by Seung-Hui Cho at Virginia Tech which the MSM insists on calling "Gun Control" cases rather than immigration cases.
    • Reporting on "Disgruntled Minority Massacres," in which a black or minority employee, fired for misconduct, murders his white employers and co-workers…because they’re racist.
    • Reporting on the War on Christmas, and the related Wars on Easter and Thanksgiving.
    • Reporting on employment numbers in terms of American Worker Displacement, rather than in terms of “The Economy”.
    • Reporting (deliberately) unreported racial angles to crime stories.
    • Reporting on the science of race and IQ.

    And of course, reporting on immigration—legal and illegal, and on the fight to keep America American.

    I’ve been doing this for almost twenty years. With your help, I can keep doing it.

    Yours sincerely,


    James Fulford writer
    [email protected]
    VDARE Foundation, PO Box 211, Litchfield, Connecticut 06759, United States
    Don't want future emails?