A special Christmas message just for you...
Thank you to artist Henny Beaumont for donating this festive illustration to Fawcett!
Friend, what an incredible year it’s been.

2019 has seen many feminist highs, a few setbacks – and most importantly, a groundswell of support for equal pay, equal power and an end to gender discrimination in our politics, our workplaces and daily lives.

Our members have been at the helm of the fight for women’s rights. And you can join our movement today in just a few clicks. Here’s what we’ve achieved together: we’ve secured access to parental leave policies for 1000 councillors and baby leave for MPs. We’ve seen the Government begin consulting on key Fawcett asks, including strengthening protection for women at work, making misogyny a hate crime and introducing third party sexual harassment laws – and much more.

We launched our ground-breaking Commission on Gender Stereotypes in Early Childhood, our Right To Know’ campaign to end pay discrimination against women, and Equal Power, our new coalition to transform women’s representation across government.

None of this would be possible without our members. Join us today.

Close to 1000 people have joined our movement this year, and almost 350,000 more have signed our petitions. Our work together is having a huge impact across the country, and beyond – just take a look at the numbers here!

And so this is all to say, we hope you’ll take the next step in supporting Fawcett before the year is over. We need your help to make the UK a fairer, more equal place.

We wish you a restful winter break. Gather your strength for 2020 – because we’ve got more change to make.

With solidarity,
The Fawcett team
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