
The Women’s March thinks they speak for all women. 

But the truth is… they don’t.

They stand for women, if and only if, they align with their radical political opinions and woke agenda.
Support the Women’s Bill of Rights
While certainly our messages and policy solutions differ from the Women’s March, we actually agree on one important fact — the outlook for women is grim given the state of our country today and something needs to be done. Too bad that the Women’s March refuses to acknowledge one big problem that women face – and that’s the ongoing attempt to erase women as a matter of law and eradicate women-only spaces.  

If the Women’s March can’t define WOMEN, then they can’t defend WOMEN’S RIGHTS. 

At Independent Women’s Forum, we know what a woman is, what a female is, and what a mother is. 

Friend, I know you do too. 
Support the Women’s Bill of Rights
Join the REAL fight for women. 

Add your name, Friend, in support of the Women’s Bill of Rights. Stand with women. 

Thanks for your help,
Victoria Coley