
One of the most leftist politicians in Texas, Beto O’Rourke, criticized Joe Biden for neglecting our border communities in Texas. You know the border crisis is bad when Beto doesn’t side with Biden…

Beto has shown everyone he is willing to stoop to incredible lows to boost his progressive agenda, but now he is admitting Biden is responsible for the border crisis!
If Beto is siding with Republicans on ANY issue, it’s a big deal, but for him to come out and attack Biden, you know things have to be worse than ever! 

Every Texas leader from El Paso to Texarkana has seen their communities overrun with illegal immigrants. Biden’s open-border crisis has put our state in the crosshairs of cartel crime, and John, innocent Texans are losing their lives so Biden can make his extremist Left supporters feel good about themselves!
Let’s fan the flames of this Democrat in-fighting to help bring more wins for Republicans this year! We know what really matters though - securing the border, crushing the drug cartels, stopping the human traffickers, and protecting the lives of our fellow Americans. John, I need you to rush in your support to help us stop Biden’s Open Borders!

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne