
I'd like to introduce you to a candidate for Congress who has been campaigning up a storm in Massachusetts' fifth district.

Stoneham's Caroline Colarusso has already debated U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark's empty chair twice, and has so far watched House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's second in command refuse or outright ignore eight offers to defend her policies.

Rep. Clark has adopted President Biden's basement strategy, yet can't blame her disappearance on COVID-19.
Caroline has offered Rep. Clark every opportunity to defend her agenda.

Rep. Clark's refusal can only mean one thing -- she knows her staunch alignment with the failed inflationary policies of Biden and Pelosi is hurting Americans, and is terrified over the thought of having to defend her record.

Here's a brief list of Rep. Clark's accomplishments for the taxpayers of Massachusetts' 5th Congressional District:

  • Record inflation
  • Record high fuel prices
  • The most dysfunctional Congress of our lifetime
  • Zero accountability
  • Zero illegal immigration enforcement
  • Demonizing police
  • Shady stock market deals for self-enrichment

Caroline is taking aim at Rep. Clark's record, and the silence is deafening.
I'm excited for Caroline's campaign. She's a workhorse who will never back down, and will stick up for you in Congress and not the special interest groups.
Again, I'm proud to support Caroline and I know you will be too.

Jim Lyons
Chairman, Massachusetts Republican Party
Paid for by the Massachusetts Republican Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee