Captain Jason Laboy
Capt Laboy is the Deputy Chief of Standardization and Evaluations Division at the 460th Operations Group at Buckley AFB, Colorado. He is a certified combat mission ready crew commander, instructor, and evaluator. Capt Laboy leads a 13-person unit which plans and organizes standardization and evaluation of over 300 SBIRS operators. He is the key technical advisor to Wing and Group leadership on mission readiness and warfighting capabilities on all matters pertaining to the operation and employment of SBIRS. He led the evaluations team during a 72-hour scenario to assess the crew readiness of over 230 military and allied mission combat ready operators, validating more than 140 mission tasks and 3,000 training hours. Capt Laboy directed the update of over 30 mission procedures and the re-write of a 95-step checklist which made possible the operations transfer of the SBIRS satellite constellation with no mission degradation. Capt Laboy served as Wing Executive Officer while deployed to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. He provided 24/7 support to the Wing Commander on the wing’s execution of operations in support of coalition forces in Afghanistan during Operation Freedom’s Sentinel and NATO’s Resolute Support Campaign Mission. He facilitated the Commander’s intent, which allowed the wing to overcome 59 indirect fire attacks and enable 6,052 combat sorties, resulting in 1,287 enemies killed in action. Capt Laboy entered the Air Force in 2010 after earning his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and commission via the Air Force ROTC program at the University of Puerto Rico. He was assigned to the 320th Missile Squadron, F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming, where he served as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Crew Commander and Assistant Flight Commander. He was later assigned to the 2nd SWS at Buckley AFB, Colorado, where he served as Flight Commander in charge of a 42 active duty, reserve, and multinational military personnel executing more than 1,500 infrared events and enabling more than 752 hours of perfect missile warning operations. Capt Laboy was hand-picked to support exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian at Osan AB, South Korea, where he was the OIC of the Combat Operations Division for Space at the Korean Air and Space Operations Center.