Mike Bloomberg 2020

Dear Supporter,

As you know, Donald Trump has waged an uninterrupted re-election campaign since his first day in office. And unfortunately, recent polls show that major Democratic rivals are falling behind in key battleground states, partly a result of Trump’s national campaign efforts.

We can’t let Trump win. And that’s why, today, we launched a new website that focuses on the damage President Trump is doing to our country and the general election campaign he’s been waging since he took office. 

The site features a powerful new video, “How We Will Win,” reminding voters that our campaign’s strategy is to run a national campaign, focusing on the states where the general election will be decided.


Watch the video here

“We can’t afford to wait to start campaigning in the rest of the country,” says one voter in the video, which will become a part of the digital advertising campaign in Super Tuesday states. “It’s time to think bigger and act bolder.”

The site also keeps tabs on Trump’s general election strategy and outlines how Mike is fighting back. Check it out here and we hope you’ll share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter

Thanks for being with us in this important fight,

Team Bloomberg 2020 

Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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