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Dear John,

What seems to be the most difficult issue to discuss these days?

Answer:  Whether or not aborting an unborn child is the right thing to do…and whether we should have a right to do it..

I'm Courtney Geels, and I'm a nurse who is running to become your Congresswoman in Washington D.C.

I believe that very, very few people actually "like" the act of abortion.  The vast majority of pro-choice people see in abortion a tragic-but-necessary solution to an impossible problem for the woman in crisis.  And pro-life people want to avoid abortions not only to save a human life--the baby--but ALSO because of the emotional, psychological and sometimes physical damage abortion does to that same woman in crisis.

It was Bill Clinton 30 years ago who said that in America, abortion should be "safe, legal, and RARE."  But things have changed immensely in the last 30 years.


Abortion legislations are getting scarier, and you might not be aware...

Recently the US Supreme Court returned this decision to you and your fellow citizens.  Now it's up to every state to make its own laws where abortion is concerned.  

I believe that all life is valuable and that the life of a baby in the womb is just as valuable as the life that carries that baby. Let me be clear, we are not arguing that life-saving efforts in the midst of medical emergencies be outlawed. This is what the left would have you believe. 

I want to empower women to choose life. I want to fight for the life of every human, and that every human would have a right to life. 

Don’t you? 


For truth, justice, and unity,

Courtney Geels



Paid for by Courtney Geels for Congress

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