Here’s a secret about Social Security: Young people love it.
As much as right-wingers assume that there will be generational resentment, young people support Social Security even when Wall Street propaganda has tricked them into believing it won’t be there for them.*
This inconvenient set of facts might explain why Republican politicians work so hard to keep young people from voting: so that they can ram through their schemes to destroy our Social Security system and put the $2.9 trillion trust fund directly into the pockets of their Wall Street donors.
College students are fighting back―demanding that Secretaries of State end college voter suppression now! Can you sign this petition to support them? Our friends at Rise will be delivering your signatures soon.
Student organizers are calling on Secretaries of State across the country to end voter suppression among college students by:
Ensuring there are polling places on or near campuses
Allowing students to vote using their college ID
Automatically sending mail-in ballots to students registered to vote in-state
Sign on and demand Secretaries of State make voting easier for college students! >>
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
* Social Security WILL be there for them.