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Hi ,

Did you know housing discrimination happens daily in the US, despite passage of the Fair Housing Act more than 50 years ago?

That’s why NCRC has teamed up with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to raise awareness of housing discrimination — and to encourage everyone, everywhere to expect to be welcomed where ever they choose to live.

 It’s time to drive discrimination out of housing once and for all and replace it with a welcome and open door to housing everywhere.
So let's get to it. Join our #WelcomeMe challenge (details below) and you could get free admission and lodging for the 2023 Just Economy Conference in Washington, DC!

Show and tell: What does it mean to feel “welcome” in your home, in your neighborhood, or when you visit someplace new and wonder if it could be your new home? Post your answer on your favorite social media apps with an original photo or video of yourself in front of or inside your home, with your house keys, or from a place where you feel welcome.

Don't forget to include BOTH of these hashtags in your posts to be entered into the challenge sweepstakes: #WelcomeME and #FairHousingMatters.

Then help us spread the message across the nation so it sticks, and so we can finally say goodbye to housing discrimination forever!

NCRC will select 10 winners who will receive a variety of prizes, including admission to the 2023 Just Economy Conference

For additional details on the challenge, visit:   

Thanks for all that you do!

P.S. Don’t have social media? You can still participate by submitting your photo or video here.

P.P.S. If you aren't already, please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn - and then reshare our posts so your friends and networks join the challenge.

*Disclaimer: The work products developed under this grant are supported with funding from the US. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. NCRC is solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in the work products. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Government.
Press Release
Read more on how a recent ruling has sided with community groups to restore key mortgage lending transparency requirements.
Here's how to support NCRC members in the path of Hurricane Ian.
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