The Democrats war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d. This is a deep state culture that is embracing degeneracy, depression and death. Eliminating parental authority, paves their way to absolute control ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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MADMAN: Newsom Signs Bill to Allow Minors From Other States To Get Castration, Breast Removal “Gender” Surgeries WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT
The Democrats war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d. This is a deep state culture that is embracing degeneracy, depression and death.

Eliminating parental authority, paves their way to absolute ...

Bald, Golden Eagle Deaths Permitted Under New U.S. Wind Energy, Power Line Rules
How many pipelines and energy projects were stopped dead in their tracks over some innoculius environmental consern or obscure fish “endangerment.”

As for “wind”, each wind turbine embodies a whole lot of petrochemicals and fossil-fuel ...

Full List of Congressional Republicans Funded by Bill Gates
Once you review this list of quislings, many of the acts of betrayal by those in our own party make sense. Vaccine mandates, climate hoax legislation …..

Rep. Vernon Buchanan – Florida, District 16
Rep. Dan Crenshaw – Texas, District ...

21st Century Nazism: UC Berkeley Creates ‘Jew-Free Zones’
The left's Jew hatred isn't merely similar – it is exactly Nazism. Judenrein has come to California.

The Democrat DOJ and it's Cvil Rights Division are MIA. Obviously.


UC Berkeley blasted for creating ‘Jewish-free zones’ with ...

Where Are The Feminists? As Women in Iran Put Their Lives on the Line for Their Rights, AOC, Tlaib and Omar are Notably Silent
What’s happening in Iran is the biggest women’s rights protest ever in the Islamic world. Yet the response from some of the leading feminists in the United States, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, has been resoundingly ...

‘You Loot, We Shoot’: DeSantis Warns Criminals Not to Target Hurricane Victims
Priceless. Love this man more and more with each passing day.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis warns people not to loot homes amid hurricane recovery: "You never know what may be lurking behind somebody's home…we're a Second Amendment state." ...

WATCH: Shocking Jew-Hatred Rages on US Campuses
There is no greater threat to the American Jewish community than the the pro-jihad (Palestinianism) Left. Left. They have made U.S university campuses unsafe for Jews. What other religious group would be required to endure this open racism and ...

The Palestinians’ Unrealistic Demands for Joe Biden
The Palestinians presented “five demands” to Joe Biden when he met with Mahmoud Abbas in mid-July. A report on those demands, written before the meeting, is here.

Among those demands are these:

2. Reopening the US Consulate in ...

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