Talk is cheap, John. Mike Crapo is happy to use our troops as political props when it suits his interests. But when it comes time to deliver results, he’s AWOL.
The same can be said for working families all across Idaho. People are struggling, and our senator is playing political games.
I’m a single dad raising two boys I adopted out of foster care. I’m a longtime community activist and nonprofit leader. And I am openly gay.
I know who is hurting, who’s at risk, and who needs support in our community because I work with folks on the margins every day – and I’ve faced many of the same struggles in my own life.
It’s time we had a senator who is rooted in the community with a clear record of service – not blind political ambition.
Mike Crapo and I are set to debate in just two days’ time, and I look forward to challenging his rhetoric with his record.
I set an ambitious goal to raise another $20K before our debate, and we’re only $1,257 shy. Will you pitch in $50 now to boost our people-powered campaign ahead of this important debate?
Let’s win this!
- David