Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

October 2, 2022

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Americans Support U.S. Diplomacy to End the War in Ukraine
New Poll from the Quincy Institute & Data For Progress
September 27, 2020

A poll commissioned by the Quincy Institute reveals that Washington is out of step with Americans on diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine.

As reported in Insider, NewsweekVox, and Politico, the poll reveals that a majority of Americans likely voters support U.S. pursuing negotiations “as soon as possible” to end the war in Ukraine, even if it means Ukraine making some compromises with Russia.



Putin Annexations Mean U.S.-Russian Talks More Critical Than Ever
By Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Director
Responsible Statecraft, 9/30/22

Russia’s annexations are absolutely illegal, as well as a very serious escalation of the conflict—making it even more essential that Washington and Moscow enter into direct talks to prevent the war from spreading and escalating into direct conflict. 


Where Will the Iran Protests Lead?

Interview with Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
Majority Report, 9/27/22

Will the protests triggered by Mahsa Amini’s death in the custody of Iran’s “morality” police push the regime to reform?


The Russia-Ukraine War

Interview with George Beebe, Grand Strategy Director
Gingrich 360, 9/25/22

Breaking down the battlefield realities facing Russia and Ukraine ahead of annexation.


Russian Strike Kills at Least 25 in Zaporizhzhia as Putin Annexes Parts of Ukraine
Interview with Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Director
CBS News, 9/30/22 

What does Russia's move to annex the territories it has occupied in Ukraine mean for the future of the war?


Tackling Climate Change Is a Case of All Hands on Deck 
By Sarang Shidore, Director of Studies
Financial Times, 9/28/22

There's no alternative to global cooperation when it comes to climate action.


Putin's Plan to Annex Regions of Ukraine Will Likely Make It Harder to End the War
Interview with Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Program Director
NPR, 9/29/22

Much of Ukraine will not only remain completely independent of Russia, but also deeply hostile to the Kremlin.


Spending Bill Survives Senate Test, Staving Off Government Shutdown Threat 
Interview with William Hartung, Senior Research Fellow
The New York Times, 9/30/22

Putting U.S. aid for Ukraine in historical perspective.


Putin’s Regime May Fall – but What Would Come Next?
By Anatol Lieven, 
Eurasia Director
The Guardian, 9/27/22

With Putin mired in the Ukraine war and facing unrest at home, it’s time the west tried to negotiate a way back from the brink.



China and India Remain Neutral, Even on Russia Annexation by by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 10/01/22

Diplomacy Watch: Putin’s Annexation Plan Will Tank Chances for Near-Term Peace by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 9/30/22

'Dangerous Escalation': Putin Condemned Over Illegal Annexation of Ukraine Territories by Kenny Stancil/ Quoted: Eurasia Program Director Anatol Lieven, Common Dreams, 9/30/22

Why Vladimir Putin is Annexing Ukrainian Territory by Tim Lister/ Quoted: Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, CNN, 9/29/22

New Poll Shows People Distrust Think Tanks Even More Than Media by Research Fellow Ben Freeman, Responsible Statecraft, 9/29/22

U.S. Military Says It Shot Down an Iranian Drone in Iraq by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 9/29/22

Russia Sanctions Create ‘Opportunity’ for U.S. Weapons Makers to Get New Clients: White House by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 9/28/22

Where Are Our Weapons Going? U.S. Transparency Is Taking a Nosedive by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 9/28/22

PODCAST: Is Russia-Ukraine Spinning Out of Control? Interview with Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, Nonzero Podcast with Robert Wright, 9/27/22

Pressure from Global South Can Compel Tehran to Cease Repression by Rudroneel Ghosh/ Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Times of India, 9/27/22

Poll: Americans Support Quick Diplomatic End to War in Ukraine by Managing Editor Ben Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 9/27/22

Russia’s Defeat Would Be America’s Problem by Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy, 9/27/22

There’s No Debating It: Biden Will Get Billions in New Ukraine Aid by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 9/27/22

PODCAST: Annexation, Interview with Eurasia Director Anatol Lieven, History As It Happens/Washington Times, 9/26/22

Was Saudi Aid in Prisoner Swap Part of Grand PR Blitz? by Researcher Nick Cleveland-Stout, Responsible Statecraft, 9/26/22

What You Need to Know About Iran’s Raging Protests by Nadeen Ebrahim/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, CNN, 9/26/22

Walter Russell Mead and the ‘Vulcan’ Straw Man by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, Responsible Statecraft, 9/26/22

Will Brazil Succumb to Authoritarianism? by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, The National Interest, 9/26/22


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