From David at Independent Institute <[email protected]>
Subject Why I Founded the Independent Institute
Date December 23, 2019 10:05 PM
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Join us in orienting the public square towards liberty.

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[link removed] decided to found the Independent Institute in the latter half of the Ronald Reagan administration.

Milton Friedman aptly called this period the “tyranny of the status quo,” when Washington was relentlessly growing the “progressive” Administrative and Deep States despite the talk of and genuine efforts for smaller government.

As a result, the lesson then that was made abundantly clear is that electoral politics alone are insufficient to effect real, positive, and lasting change.

Indeed, as we have seen throughout history, politics follows culture, and winning the cultural battles in the public square—the realm of ideas—is a requisite.

The 20th century has shown us the tragedy of the ascendancy of malignant ideologies, including communism, fascism, socialism, Nazism, total war and the total state—all rooted in the abject folly of moral relativism and command-and control government power.

Yet in our lifetimes, we’ve also seen the rich flourishing of the power of good ideas.

We saw the peaceful fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the U.S.S.R. due to the influence of the natural-law idea of the rights of individuals.

We have seen the halving of the numbers of people living in abject poverty worldwide as a result of the embrace of free markets and free trade.

And, despite our challenges, we are seeing the continuing opportunities available to Americans from our founding on the timeless ideas of liberty and the sanctity of human rights, responsibilities, and worth.

We at Independent are proud and privileged to be standard-bearers of the ideas inspired by Jefferson, Smith, Tocqueville, Montesquieu, Aquinas, Acton, Mises, Hayek, Buchanan, and many others in applying these foundational principles to today’s seemingly intractable challenges.

Be on the lookout for our new Annual Report for 2019, which will be available at the start of the new year. You will see for yourself the many, many ways Independent is boldly and effectively advancing ideas into mainstream culture for impact, daily—thanks to the help of our members and supporters.

In the midst of the hue and cry constantly predicting woe ahead, I would like to pause especially at this time of year to reflect on the tremendous blessings and incredible progress of which we are all the beneficiaries. We are grateful for the opportunity of being a part of solutions that enrich us all.

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Joyeux Noël and best wishes throughout the Holiday Season,
David J. Theroux
Founder and President
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