December 23, 2019
Listen to Today's Podcast:
Dan is guest hosting 'Hannity' tonight on Fox News @ 9pm! Don't Miss It!
In this episode, I address troubling nuggets buried deep in the IG report that have largely escaped media reporting. This will open your eyes to the real scandal. I also address another media hoax which was debunked this weekend. Finally, I discuss the Trump tax cuts and the incredible results. |
Don't miss my interview with Congressman Devin Nunes
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Merry Christmas: Trump Crushes Top Dems in Latest “Electability” Poll
President Trump beats out Vice President Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Bernie Sanders in a new YouGov/Economist “electability” poll.
New Zealand is the Latest Gun Control Failure
Following the worst mass shooting in their nation’s history, New Zealand immediately moved towards implementing gun control. So-called “assault weapons,” and the majority of the country’s semiautomatic weapons were to be banned, forcing New Zealanders to sell their firearms to their government. Of course, a buyback is simply confiscation by another name (and with a cash rebate). Neighboring Australia was often cited (incorrectly) as a place where this worked before.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991