We can't let history repeat itself, but we're running out of time between now and Election Day.


The Georgia Senate race has just been declared a "toss up." It could go EITHER WAY.

Don't forget – Raphael Warnock's runoff win last year is why Democrats control the Senate today.

We can't let history repeat itself, but we're running out of time between now and Election Day. We can win this race but only if we have your help.

Georgia has the country's closest and most competitive race because the Senate majority will be determined by what happens here.

Senator Warnock and Democrat Super PACs are flooding the airwaves. We've had over $50 million in false attack ads run against us, and it's not even October! My opponent has raised $63 million this cycle – the most in the country!

Without your support, we can't air TV ads to counter the far-left’s smear campaign and mobilize volunteers to get out the vote so we can win.

That's why I am asking for your help.

If you've stored your payment information, we'll process your contribution instantly:

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Our race is the best opportunity for Republicans to flip a Democrat seat in the Senate. I know money is tight in this Biden-Warnock economy, but if you can chip in even $5 right now – it will help us get our ads on the air, pull ahead in the polls, and win on Election Day!

Every single dollar impacts how many more doors we can knock on, phone calls we can make, and voters we can reach. Please pitch in anything you're able ASAP, even if it's just $5.


Herschel Walker


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