I’m reaching out simply to say thank you.

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

I wanted to reach out just to let you know that I am filled with gratitude, John. This team amazes me every single day.

So many folks like you stepped up to help us reach our goal before last night’s FEC deadline. We’re still adding up the numbers, but I think you will be very proud of what we accomplished when we report them publicly soon.

Thanks to everyone who contributed, we are in a strong position heading into the final 38 days.

The challenges ahead are steep, but I am more certain than ever that we can win this race.

It won’t be easy — far from it. Far-right super PACs are flooding millions more dollars into our state every single week. But what we have proven is that we are ready to fight for this seat — tirelessly. We won’t ignore the super PAC’s lies or my opponent’s extreme agenda. We’ll take them head-on and make the case to the people of North Carolina that we can win a brighter future where our rights, democracy and planet are protected — and that is what our families deserve.

My mom was granted the right to vote by the Voting Rights Act. She used to say that every election is the most important election of our lives. She was right. This November, our constitutional rights are on the line.

And I stand firm in my commitment that, when we win this race together, I will not hesitate to cast the decisive vote to end the filibuster and defend our democracy, planet, voting rights, and reproductive freedom.

That’s what is at stake this fall, and this year, we are going to deliver and give our families a voice in the Senate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing.

Onward to victory,

Cheri Beasley

If you didn’t have a chance to contribute last month, will you chip in today to help us start the final stretch strong? We only have 38 days until Election Day — and early voting starts even sooner, so this is important.

Please consider making a donation to our campaign today. North Carolina is one of Democrats’ best chances to flip a seat, and right now, our race is in a statistical tie.



Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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