The 2020 Virginia General Assembly session starts in less than three weeks, and we are getting excited! Let’s raise our voices to be sure our legislators vote YES for a safe climate and healthy environment this winter.
To prep for the 2020 session, the 350 Fairfax general meeting on January 2 will feature the inside scoop from Janine Gaspari, Delegate Mark Keam’s legislative aide.
Delegate Keam, who represents Virginia’s 35th House District, is the patron of both the Solar Freedom Bill and a variety of Green New Deal legislation. Janine will walk us through these bills and tell us how best to support bold climate legislation in Richmond this session.
Lucky for us, Keam isn’t the only state legislator with a strong environmental agenda this year. On January 2 we will also walk you through all the bills 350 Fairfax is watching this January—from our favorite single-use plastic legislation to a host of clean energy and Green New Deal bills.
And with the recent inauguration of a largely new Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, we will also lay out important next steps for getting our Fossil Free Fairfax resolution passed in 2020.
RSVP for the January 2 general meeting here or on Facebook. You don’t want to miss it!
Enjoy the holidays!