![]() Patriot, Every week – indeed, every day – Campaign for Liberty faces a tough decision: Which of the latest assaults on our constitutional freedom is the most important and urgent to deal with right now? As you are probably all too painfully aware, the battle is everywhere, and at the cornerstones of our great nation. Our fundamental right to free speech is under constant assault: from Big Tech, the mass media,
institutions of higher education, even in scientific journals and corporate America. Our right to keep and bear arms – the Constitution’s expression of our fundamental right to self-defense – is the constant target of the radical Left and its allies in the press. It’s a collusion on behalf of the power structure that wants a total monopoly of force over the population. Our economic prosperity is under constant assault from all aspects of Big Government, none more than the Federal Reserve, which has covertly manipulated economic policy behind the scenes and now works with the Deep State to develop a Central Bank Digital Currency that would strip away the last remaining financial freedom and privacy we still have. There are dozens of other battles brewing, many of which are an outright assault on the right to rule ourselves as a country. . . . . . Efforts to dismantle the last remaining safeguards for free, fair, and transparent elections . . . The weaponization of the Justice Department against those who’s deeply held beliefs contradict the party in power . . . The usurpation of the rights of States and their officials, accountable to their citizens, to the Washington Swamp. For the past two years, one party has controlled the two most powerful branches of the federal government: the Legislature and the Executive Branch. The Democrats in D.C. no longer represent their own voter base and are overwhelmingly – nearly unanimously! – opposed to freedom on every issue you and I care about. Even on the issue of war, Democrats are now more hawkish than many Republicans. As to the so-called “loyal opposition,” with a few notable exceptions, most Republicans need to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to do what their voter base elected them to do. All too often, just enough of them turn their backs on liberty after an election to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. There is some hope that the current crop of Republican candidates will be better on our core issues than those they hope to replace. Time will tell. As always, we will need to be vigilant and hold their proverbial feet to the fire. According to the “experts,” it’s likely the Democrats will lose at least one chamber of Congress in the upcoming elections. Either way, we are approaching an extremely turbulent period in Congress, between Election Day and the new year when a new Congress is sworn in: the “Lame Duck” period. The real danger of a Lame Duck Congress is that those senators and representatives who aren’t returning next year, don’t have to face the voters anymore and the concern for voter approval is gone. In other words, they get reckless. If Democrats lose either chamber, they will scramble like crazy to pass every radical piece of legislation they possibly can, while they still can. If they retain both houses, they’ll be emboldened and turn up the heat even higher. Right now, all the Washington politicians are fixated on the midterm elections. Most political organizations are doing the same, and they’re not wrong to do so… But we have to plan and prepare for what will be the most chaotic and extreme environment in Congress as the term comes to an end. No matter how the election turns out, it will be an epic battle, over six weeks or more, right at the time when the grassroots is exhausted from a hard-fought election. But for the majority of elected officials coming back in 2023, they don’t want to hear from you on the hard issues, and they don’t want to rock their voter base. That’s why we need your support, TODAY, to prepare our resources for the Lame Duck Lunacy that is coming VERY soon. As we begin the last quarter of 2022, you and I need to be prepared now for what is about to be thrown at us. If the “red wave” comes to pass, congressional Democrats will be absolutely desperate to do everything they possibly can in those final two months of the term while they still have power. And we need to be prepared when that time comes. We know what’s on the top of their agenda. The provisions of “The Great Reset:” Remaining pieces of AOC’s job-destroying “Green New Deal” Stating “every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” the elite’s plan for a “Great Reset” calls for massive government investments in less-efficient, “green” energy, a ban on drilling for oil and natural gas and a host of other economy-crushing “green” regulations on businesses. It's no surprise gas prices are skyrocketing given the plan to eliminate fossil fuels; A complete authoritarian police state regime Despite nobody really tuning in, Democrats will declare their sham January 6 hearings a success and propose every possible expansion of their “domestic terror task force” at the Department of Justice and the FBI. The “Red Flag” law Congress just passed was a central part of this scheme. Complete destruction of the U.S. dollar Every time they lose power, Democrats love to start as many fires as possible. Look for colossal spending bills to fund the radical left. –Student loan “forgiveness,” piles of money for the CDC, WHO, Ukraine, and many, many pet projects that really don’t deserve a single cent of taxpayer money. Congress just passed a short-term continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government until December at current budget levels. Once the election is over, you can be sure Congress will lift the caps and spend your money however they want. That’s why we need to plan for this season early. As in now. So Patriot, can I count on you to make a contribution to help Campaign for Liberty plan for the mobilization we know we will need to mount when “lame duck” session starts right after the November election? Your generous support will help Campaign for Liberty mobilize up to 10 million Americans to turn up the heat on Congress to stop the “Lame Duck Glut” by: 1)Deploying targeted online Internet ads to turn up the heat on the members of Congress to say “NO!” to the
radical left’s rejected agenda; 2)Using mail and email to contact up to 10 million Americans from coast-to-coast to FLOOD Congress with petitions and letters; 3) Using modern and old-school communication methods to inform patriots about the dirty tricks we know they plan to pull – and why it’s absolutely critical to fight back while we still can; 4) Launching an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain to the American people exactly how congressional Democrats plan to inflict as much pain upon them as possible in the final months of their term – and mobilize them to stop their plans. This is a battle you and I can’t afford to lose. So please make your most generous contribution of $100, $200, $500, or more right away to help Campaign for Liberty to help us prepare to thwart the last thrashings of the “lame duck” Congress that we know is going to be a massive battle come November. If you can afford just $10, $20, or $50 now, your gift along with other Campaign for Liberty supporters will help us meet our goal as we head into a very busy final quarter of 2022. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Democrats have demonstrated time and time again the damage they can inflict when just a few RINO statist Republicans join them on dangerous legislation. Just a few short months ago, gun-grabbing legislation passed after many Republicans jumped on board. Can you imagine what two solid months of “lame duck” will look like?! We will need to be prepared to fight them at every turn. Your contribution today, of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford will help us plan and budget for the final fight of the legislative cycle, in which everything is on the line. Your gift of $10, $25, or $50 is important as well. Please consider making a donation today as we head into a very busy last quarter of 2022. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |