Folks -- This is the last time I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign before we take a few days off for the holidays. Can you spare a moment to let me explain?

The truth is, these emails are a very important part of how we’re funding our campaign for Senate. I’m refusing to take any money from corporate PACs, and that means we need a lot of grassroots Democrats from across the country to support our campaign to stay competitive with our opponent’s backing from McConnell’s right-wing donor network.

Thankfully, we’ve been able to do that so far. It’s a big part of the reason the political forecasters believe we’re now in a toss-up race and why the most recent public poll of this election has us defeating Cory Gardner.

Now, here’s the problem: starting very early in January, we anticipate Republicans will spend outrageous sums of money attacking me and our campaign. They hope to knock us out before the race even begins. We’re even hearing that Trump ally, Chris Christie is launching a seven-figure TV and digital advertising buy in Colorado and other Senate races as soon as today.

That and more is why we have set an ambitious goal to raise more than $500,000 online by the FEC fundraising deadline next week. Since you’re such an important part of our team, I have to ask:

Can you make a contribution of any amount today to help us fight back against Republican attacks and hit our fundraising goals before we file our FEC report at the end of the month?

Thank you very much for stepping up and being a part of this campaign.

Your support is the reason we’re in a position to win this election.

Happy holidays,

— John