Dear Friend,

As-Salaamu Alaykum (peace be to you).

CAIR has been organizing for more than 25 years to allow American Muslims to:

live freely and to practice their faith, everywhere - in the workplace and in schools,
to build mosques,
to wear Islamic attire,
to be free of bullying and profiling at airports and at the border.

Watch the 2-minute video below.

We have been researching, monitoring and combating Islamophobia everywhere in America, including in Hollywood.

We have chapters in 22 states, hundreds of staff and volunteers nationwide – including more than 50 attorneys dealing with civil rights issues. But we also must deal with some 3000 cases every year.

Where does CAIR get funds to defend civil rights and empower American Muslims? From people like you.

It all started with you and it can only continue with you.

There are many organizations who deserve your support. There is no organization like CAIR for Muslims in America or the West.

Please put CAIR on your list of organizations that you support with your year-end donation. Go to right now and donate generously. All donations to CAIR are fully tax-deductible/zakat-eligible (Tax ID# 77-0646756) and are eligible for employer matching programs.

Thank you for your support.

May God bless you and your Family.

Nihad Awad

CAIR National Executive Director

* P.S. -- If you would like to deduct your gift from your 2019 taxes, please be sure to make your gift online at by Dec. 31, 2019; or if mailing a check, be sure it is postmarked by Dec. 31, 2019.


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453 New Jersey Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003