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National Audubon Society
Audubon's Bird Friendly™️ coffee.
Your coffee is stronger than you think.
This International Coffee Day, support bird conservation and family farmers throughout the Americas by choosing Audubon's Bird Friendly™️ coffee. Organic and Fair Trade, this coffee is grown on local Latin American farms under a shade canopy of native trees, shrubs, and plants that provide critical refuge for migratory and local birds. 

Birds are always on the move, and the energy required to fly hundreds or thousands of miles during migration leaves birds vulnerable to natural and human-caused threats. Supporting Audubon's Bird Friendly™️ coffee and the farms that produce it is just one small way to ensure migratory birds have a safe place to rest along their journeys.

Make your morning routine more bird-friendly and help protect the places they need one cup at a time. 
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