The more we see and know of this force for good just gets better and better.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Italy’s New PM Georgia Meloni Denounces Left-Wing Billionaire Activist George Soros
The more we see and know of this force for good just gets better and better. Nazi collaborator Soros is diabolical.

George Soros: The Black Hand

Italy's New PM Georgia Meloni Denounces Left-Wing Billionaire Activist George Soros

By ...

FAILED January 6 Committee, Running Out of Time, Angles for an Extension
The Jan 6th hoax is nothing more than a Kafkaesque kangaroo court designed to criminalize opposition to the totalitarian Democrat regime.

The January 6 Committee, Running Out of Time, Angles for an Extension

The January 6 committee wants to ...

News Anchor Clashes With Philly DA Over City’s Soaring Homicide Numbers
The Soros-funded Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner has decimated Philadelphia with his soft on crime policies. When asked about Philadelphia's skyrocketing crime, Krasner said that the murder rate is 40 percent higher in Trump “MAGA” ...

Fauci’s Wealth ‘Skyrocketed’ By Millions During His Covid Hysteria: Analysis
The American system is fundamentally broken.

Fauci botched the COVID pandemic leading to the death of untold thousands.

He knew ‘draconian’ lockdowns would have ‘collateral negative consequences’ on schoolchildren.

He should be ...

Krazy Kamala Harris Praises US Alliance With “Republic of North Korea”
This is awful. Is it any wonder why the stability of the world is in a freefall, when these stupid idiots are in charge of America. Millions of Americans were manipulated into voting for Biden-Harris by a corrupt media, despite the evidence of ...

Democrats Block GOP Attempt to Get Tougher on Fentanyl Trade As Fentanyl Deaths Explode
There were about 71,000 overdose deaths from fentanyl in the U.S. last year.

Ever since democrats “decriminalized” drugs… we've seen year-over-year OD fatalities.

There's no end in sight because Democrats won't admit their policies ...

Iran’s state-run Press TV tries to appeal to Leftists by denouncing freedom protests as ‘Islamophobic riots’
It's what they've done to us for years. Why shouldn't they expect it to continue to work for them?

Iran’s state-run Press TV tries to appeal to Leftists by denouncing freedom protests as ‘Islamophobic riots’

By Robert Spencer, ...

Arab Intellectuals: Al-Jazeera Ignores Iranian Protests, Promotes Islamic Surpremacist Narrative
Typical of terror TV. Just like American feminists and leftists…..

Pamela Geller in The American Thinker: Biden Crushing Iran’s Freedom Revolution, Just As Obama Did

Biden And ‘The Squad’ Won't  Stand Up For Women Like Iranian ...

US Citizen Killed in Iranian Missile Attack on Iraqi Kurds – Media
But the Biden Administration will continue to negotiate with Iran. Begging them to re-enter the JCPOA. An agreement that will enable Iran to manufacture nukes, finance more terrorism, dominate it's neighbors, and terrorize it's citizens. What a ...
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