Newsletter-September 30  Vol. 2, #32


30 September 22 

Mail-In Ballots are now in the hands of voters and voting has begun.  In 3 weeks, early voting begins (Oct 27-Nov 3).  We have a lot of work to do!  We need your help to get America back on course.

For the first time in 35 years we have an opportunity to make a REAL difference in District 4.  Please seize THIS moment!

Please Consider Donating At Least One Hour Per Week
Sign Waving Or Leaving Jeff Warner's Pre-Recorded Message To Voters.

Sign Waving Is Postponed Due To The Expected Rain

Instead of sign waving, please consider calling voters and leaving Jeff Warner's pre-recorded message to voters.
Contact Val for the 15 minute training.

Final Donations
We are excited and humbled to report that the campaign is just under $53,000 in total donations!  Thank You So Much!   At $36,000, the campaign became the second highest District 4 Republican campaign in the last 35 years!  For such a challenging District, we are in awe at the outpouring of support.

The election is coming up soon!  Please consider making a generous contribution.  The maximum contribution is $2900 per person.  Your donation will help us secure our commitments for print ads, radio ads and texting which all need to be purchased in advance.  Your donation will help us secure our media commitments.
Consider, $100, buys:
  • 1 Radio Ad
  • 5 Large Signs
  • 20,000 texts
How many can you help us purchase?

Social Media
Don't miss some of the amazing stories on social media @RepJeffWarner.

Yard Signs
We want to begin having yard signs pop-up throughout the District especially for those who live on or near busy roadways.
Yard Signs are FREE, yet we are requesting a minimum $10 donation, if you're in a position to donate.

We are asking you for your donations, for your service, and your prayers.  Together, we can do this!  This is the power of teamwork!  And the Best Is Yet To Come!  Please reach out to us at [email protected]

In 5 weeks, the General Election counting will be in process.  Let's Get This Done!  Together!

Donate Here

Remember, Jeff Warner is standing with you and for you. Enough is Enough! Together, "We The People" can make a real difference. Now is our time to act. THERE IS HOPE!

Standing with you,

Jeff Warner For Congress Website

© 2021 Jeff Warner For Congress, All rights reserved.
Paid For By Jeff Warner For Congress

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 634 Greenbelt, MD  20768

[email protected]

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