Today is the last day to log your rides for our Transit Month Ride Contest! So get on that bus, ferry, or train now and keep logging!

There's still time! All rides taken today until midnight count in our Transit Month Ride Contest, so hop on your favorite line and log that ride. Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest this month and reminded us all that riding transit is fun, easy, and something to celebrate!


Thank you to everyone who participated in Transit Month! You made it the best one yet!

This was an absolutely amazing Transit Month, and we are so grateful to the riders, supporters, operators, city leaders, and our partners who made it possible. We Rode and Rallied, we watched in awe as two Chronicle reporters and a photographer rode 17 transit agencies in one day, we talked transit at Transit Hubs, we met up on buses and trains, we logged rides, and we celebrated the people who make San Francisco's public transit hum. Thank you to Seamless Bay Area for your support and partnership, and thank you to you, the riders & operators, because this month was for you. This is the perfect time to become a member and stay in touch as the year goes on!


But wait! We still have one more Transit Month Event! Join us at the Riders Awards Celebration on October 7!

Join San Francisco Transit Riders, Seamless Bay Area and TWU Local 250a to close out Transit Month by celebrating some of the people who have gone above and beyond to improve transit in the past year. We’ll honor bus operators, transit planners, and advocates alike who help us build a more equitable, growing and accessible public transit system and culture for all. (PS: We're still looking for volunteers. Click here!)


Thank you, thank you, thank you to our sponsors, who made this entire month and all the many activities and events possible!

Thank you to our local sponsors:

Thank you to our regional sponsors:

John- Become a member todayYour membership provides access to member benefits, special access to events, opportunities to inform our priorities, and to help us lead the fight for Muni funding!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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