Urgent Urgent Urgent
Ben Cline - United States Congress (logo)
Fundraising Deadline: Midnight TONIGHT—Just a few hours left...
John - 

Wow—you really showed up last night for me! We’re SO close to hitting our fundraising goals… Could you help us cross the finish line?

Today’s the last day for me to raise money for my Quarter 3 FEC report—I need your help to show Nancy Pelosi and the Woke Left that Virginia doesn’t stand for the progressive policies coming out of Washington like the radical tax-and-spend bills that are raising our cost of living every day.
Donate and Show Your Support Today! [Donate Now]
In order to get those costs down, we have to take back the House to fire Nancy Pelosi. Nancy and her friends are doing everything they can to ensure that Republicans like me are not reelected this November. Can you help me show them that Virginia is Republican Red
It's Time for REAL Leadership!
Donate $1
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Thank you again for supporting me as I fight to stand for Virginia’s families against the Radical Left agenda. 

Onward to Victory! 
Ben Cline Signature
Ben Cline
Paid for by Ben Cline for Congress, Inc.

Ben Cline

P.O. Box 1790, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
