
Listen, we’ve got just a few hours to go before our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline, and my Finance Team just informed me that it’s not looking good. We’re still $2,845 behind on our goal. Can you please help us meet our fundraising goal BEFORE the deadline at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT?

This is the last big fundraiser before midterms, and our final push before we head into our 2023 election cycle. The GOP has made it clear they’ll rescind our basic rights every chance they get. Right now, the ONLY thing standing in their way is our one-seat senate Majority that’s allowed me and the Virginia Senate Democrats to block their terrible legislation.

Your support will help me hold on to this critical seat we flipped from red to blue.


-Sent from iPhone


Paid for by Friends of Ghazala Hashmi

Friends of Ghazala Hashmi
PO Box 72923
Richmond, VA 23235
United States