World War II Veteran Holder Estes, a native of Eggville, proudly served America during World War II. Like so many young people at the time, Holder grew up in a rural community. On August 29, 1936, he married Mary Ruth Brooks. They had four children. In June 1944, Holder entered World War II as a member of the U.S. Army. He served until February 1946. All during that time, Holder wrote letters to communicate with his family. After the war, Holder was a contractor and brick mason for 35 years. He was a devoted member of the Eggville Church of Christ and the East Main Church of Christ.
After his death, Holder's medals and ribbons could not be found. His sisters, Mary Estes Hallman and Brenda Estes Spearman, reached out to our office to see if they could be replaced. Recently, I was proud to present an American flag and his medals to his family.