The Rick Smith Show is an inspiration. Rick talks to American heroes in working-class communities about the issues that matter to working families. You’d better believe that Social Security and Medicare come up.
With the midterm elections almost here, and Social Security and Medicare on the ballot, Rick Smith is taking his show on a Working-Class Heroes tour, going to places where the Democratic brand isn’t what it used to be: places like Allentown, PA, Janesville, WI, and Youngstown OH.
This tour is important―both for this election and the ones to come. Social Security Works is supporting this tour, which is being planned on a shoestring budget. Can you chip in to support it with us? Your donation will go to support the Rick Smith Show’s Working Class Heroes Tour.

In solidarity,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
P.S. Not familiar with Rick? I was on his show last month, and our interview is a great place to start. Watch it here.