Friends -
If your inbox looks like mine, you are probably well aware that tonight is an FEC deadline. So I know you may be getting a lot of requests, but I’m hoping you’ll hear me out and consider making a donation to my campaign if you can.
The truth is the absolute worst part of this job is the time spent asking people to contribute. I agree that there’s far too much money in our politics. Our democracy would be much healthier if there were no super PACs and public financing instead.
That’s something I’ve worked to change in the Senate, but we’re not there yet. For now, what we have figured out is that it is possible to fund campaigns through grassroots support, and it makes for a Democratic Party that is far more responsive to working people.
Truthfully, I consider myself one of the lucky ones among my colleagues. My time at fundraising events and on the phone is kept to a minimum because the response to emails like this one is generally pretty great.
So while I try to ask as infrequently as I can, from time to time I have no choice. So I’m not afraid to ask for help when I need it, and with the FEC deadline at midnight, I need your help. We’re coming up short of our modest goal, and it’s going to take a lot of people chipping in small amounts of money — whatever you can afford — to close that gap.
Please know that I will make sure your contribution is put to work in the most effective way possible. Every dollar will go toward funding our campaign’s ongoing organizing and communications work. That is especially important as my team and I campaign for folks up and down the ballot in this final stretch.
I know not everyone can give, but thank you for helping us out in any way you can. It will all go a long way toward holding our Senate majority and continuing the long-term organizing efforts that we’ve invested in.
For that and for all you do to support the fight for our shared values, I am immensely grateful.
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy
Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy
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