John Just a quick note checking in one last time before our end-of-quarter filing deadline tonight. We are so close to our goal, and I need your help today to close this last little gap.


We only need to raise another $3,794 to reach our quarterly fundraising goal, but it has to be in by midnight tonight to count.


Can you pitch in $50, $100 or more right now to help me flip this U.S. Senate seat?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The GOP has made their intentions clear. If they retake control of the House and Senate, they’re going to push a national abortion ban, eliminate marriage equality, further erode voting rights, and defund Social Security – and that’s just for starters.


We can’t allow ANY seat to go unchallenged. In fact, that’s exactly why I got into this race for U.S. Senate. When I saw that no Democrat was planning to run against a Republican incumbent who’s been in office since last century, I talked it over with my family and filed to run.


I’m excited to debate Mike Crapo in just a few days. I’m looking forward to an honest contest of ideas so the voters of our beautiful state can make up their own minds about who is fighting for Idaho families, and who’s serving their corporate donors.


We’re not going to give up on Idaho, because our communities are worth fighting for.


If you’re ready to help me flip this Senate seat AND elect the first openly gay man to the U.S. Senate, pitch in here before midnight to close the gap on our fundraising goal.


Thank you for standing with our people-powered campaign!


More soon,


- David



David Roth is a single, gay dad running to flip a U.S. Senate seat in Idaho. His opponent is an extremist “pro-life” Republican who’s been in politics for 37 years. David stepped up to serve the state that has been his home most of his life, where he is now raising his two young sons, because every state is worth fighting for. There has never been an openly gay man elected to the U.S. Senate. Help us make history this year. Pitch in now to flip this seat and send David to D.C.

You can follow David's campaign by clicking on the links below:


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Paid for by David Roth for U.S. Senate

©2022 David Roth for U.S. Senate, all rights reserved.


Our mailing address is:

David Roth for U.S. Senate

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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