Supporting Immigrants Every Day

Dear Partner,

2019 brought new and dramatic challenges to the communities that we serve. From changes to the Public Charge rule to threats to our longstanding asylum laws and the naturalization process, immigrants in 2019 continued to come under attack by the Federal government. In response, the Immigration Advocates Network and our national partners fought back in the courtroom, on the streets, and online.

In response to the publication of the Public Charge rule, we worked with our partners at Legal Aid of San Mateo County and the Protecting Immigrant Families coalition to create KeepYourBenefits and stop the chilling effect brought on by the changes to the Public Charge rule.

With increased fear and intimidation faced by undocumented immigrants seeking legal assistance, we partnered with Children’s National Hospital in Washington DC to bring Immi (our immigration benefits screening tool) to a medical context and are piloting new interventions for supporting immigrants remotely in rural and hard to reach communities.

As the administration proposed changes to make it harder for an applicant to qualify for a fee waiver, we fought alongside our partners at the New Americans Campaign to submit public comments and challenge the unjust change to the long-standing fee waiver program.

In 2019 we also partnered with Make the Road NY to explore new ways to support our immigrant neighbors by addressing issues affecting immigrant workers, like wage theft and workplace harassment, and were selected as a 2019 national finalist by the Worker’s Lab Innovation Fund. 

Below is our 2019 impact in numbers:

  • Nearly 500,000 immigrants searched for trustworthy legal assistance through our National Immigration Legal Services Directory

  • Our newly redesigned site Citizenshipworks had nearly 100,000 new visitors, helping thousands understand their eligibility for naturalization and file an N-400 application for citizenship

  • Almost 35,000 people visited immi.org, to learn about their rights or take our screening interview

  • Our immigrant advocates membership climbed to almost 9,500 nonprofit and pro bono members

In 2020 we look forward to continuing to work alongside all of you to continue to protect our immigrant friends and bring new tools for immigrant justice to our partners across the country.

Thank you once again for your partnership and commitment to supporting immigrants and their advocates.

In Unity,

Rodrigo Camarena

Director,Immigration Advocates Network


What do our partners, advocates, and community members think of our effort?

"My sincere appreciation for your efforts and contributions during my application process for citizenship of the United States of America.” 

I will like to inform you all that I have been successful and given approval. Thank you so much and kind regards."

​"Muchas gracias muy bueno"


About Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN) develops technology to empower immigrants and their advocates. IAN was created in 2007 by leading immigrants' rights organizations and Pro Bono Net, to increase access to justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of organizations serving them. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology.

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Immigration Advocates Network
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New York, New York 10001

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