From Team Lofgren <[email protected]>
Subject We can’t risk voting rights
Date September 30, 2022 4:23 PM
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# [#]
Hi John —John, our freedom to vote is on the line this November. On top of that, today is the final public FEC fundraising deadline before Election Day. Our numbers will go public, and everyone will be able to judge our momentum.

We must raise $5,000 by today at midnight to stay on track for this critical FEC deadline so we can defend our majority and fight back against the GOP. Can you chip in $10 right away? [[link removed]]

– – – Original Message – – –

John, did you hear about the work we’re doing to protect our democracy?

My colleague Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and I proposed and the House passed legislation to prevent our Republican colleagues from overturning a certified presidential election. We cannot have a repeat of January 6th.

The bill also stands up against Trump’s fake elector scheme by limiting what counts as an objection to what is in the 12th Amendment to the Constitution. We explicitly reaffirm that the Vice President’s role during the Joint Session is purely ministerial.

With the midterm elections rapidly approaching, it is absolutely vital that we do everything we can to protect our narrow House and Senate majorities.

This Friday is the final FEC filing deadline before the upcoming midterms. We need to bring in $10,000 by Friday midnight to help fully fund the TEN House races we have in play here in California. Will you rush a donation of any size today to help us reach our goal? [[link removed]]
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

DONATE $25 NOW » [[link removed]] DONATE $50 NOW » [[link removed]]
DONATE $75 NOW » [[link removed]] DONATE $150 NOW » [[link removed]]
DONATE $300 NOW » [[link removed]] OTHER AMOUNT » [[link removed]]

The Republicans are clear about their intention: flip the House and Senate by electing fringe MAGA candidates and reject all legislation that stands against their radical agenda.

Make no mistake: our democracy is on the ballot in the upcoming midterms. We cannot afford to lose this fight. We need to step up, get busy, and organize. [[link removed]]

Many thanks,

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is a strong fighter for California’s values in Washington. As the Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, she has been on the front lines of expanding and protecting the Democratic Majority. Zoe has dedicated her career to fighting for our diverse communities and needs your help. Click here to donate to Zoe’s campaign → [[link removed]] PAID FOR BY LOFGREN FOR CONGRESS
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Lofgren for Congress
PO Box 913
San Jose, CA 95113
United States
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