Tonight I’m facing the biggest end-of-quarter deadline of my career, and right now we’re falling $18,000 short of our goal. If you can donate right now, here is the link.
Not only is it critical we send in the strongest fundraising report we possibly can against our extreme MAGA opponent Tom Patti, but tonight I’m also going to be making a major decision about how much we can fund our next TV ad - and it depends on if we fall short or not.
We have to match the Republicans dollar for dollar in spending on TV in order to save this toss-up seat - one of the most competitive in the country! If they spend $2 million on attack ads against me, we have to show voters $2 million worth of positive ads to combat it.
But if we fall short tonight, the GOP will have an advantage because we won’t have enough money to keep our ads up at a high enough level for another week.
That’s why I’m asking you to please send in the biggest donation you can possibly make right now. It’s the only thing that’s going to help us come out on top.
Here is a link:
Thank you for everything you are doing. It means the world knowing I have supporters like you who always have my back during critical moments like this.
- Josh