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A snapshot of Hurricane Ian as seen from space.


Prep Your Grantmaking Systems for Effective Crisis Responses

As we continue to witness the mass devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Ian, Taylor Dudley shares the Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s grants management improvement process and how funders can continuously prepare to support impacted communities in times of crisis.


Returning to In-Person Events

We are excited to announce the Fall 2022 Transition to In-Person Convenings Pilot Program. While we are eager to ease back into meeting in person, we recognize the ongoing pandemic and will have policies in place to help keep our community safe, including convening pre-approval processes and attendance caps.

We also recognize that PEAK’s virtual convenings have made our gatherings more accessible to more community members over the past few years. Consequently, our pilot program will also support PEAK’s transition to hosting hybrid meetings and our continuing to host virtual gatherings.

Our special thanks go to the PEAK Northern California chapter for being wonderful partners in developing and testing this program. We’ll share details and all our COVID-19 safety policies soon, so stay tuned!

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October 6
Philanthropy’s Role in Racial and Health Equity (PEAK Minnesota)

October 6
Trust-Based and Data-Driven Grantmaking: Finding the right balance (Submittable)

October 12
2022 Annual National Conference for Growing Community Foundations

October 13
Monthly Chapter Chat
(PEAK Northeast)

October 13
How to Operationalize Equity: Part 2 (PEAK Southeast and
PEAK Florida)

October 14
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK New England)

October 19
Introduction to Data Visualization and Accessibility
(PEAK Rocky Mountain)

October 19
PEAK 2022 Fall Volunteer Fair

October 20
Monthly Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest)

November 1
PEAK Community Conversation: Emergent Learning


Weekly Reads

“Giving families are powerful levers for social improvement and an indispensable part of the philanthropy ecosystem. Families need to—and can—step up to this challenge. Many already are. Others are uncertain how to do so. We hope the ideas and examples [here] provide guidance and inspiration.” [more]
Michael Moody, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, and Nick Tedesco, National Center for Family Philanthropy, for Stanford Social Innovation Review

“Bill Gates is putting a timeline on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he co-chairs with his ex-wife, fellow billionaire Melinda French Gates. Speaking at the 2022 Forbes 400 Philanthropy Summit, the Microsoft founder-turned-philanthropist announced the foundation plans to wrap up in 25 years. ... ‘We think spending all the money in that timeframe makes sense. So we'll be shifting money over more and more, we committed to raise the spend level up.’” [more]

“Funders, of course, are powerful stakeholders, and they continue to exert a strong influence over how the social sector conducts performance measurement. Sometimes that can cause harm. But there is an ongoing shift in the field to provide nonprofits and NGOs with more space to tailor their measurement approaches less to the needs of funders and more to the needs and ambitions of the constituents and communities an organization serves.” [more]
Mariah Collins, Sebastian Gonzalez, Elias Rosenfeld, Bradley Seeman, The Bridgespan Group

“[C]ollaboratives engaging in anti-racism work could not see themselves or their approach fitting what they imagine philanthropists support for social change. ... In our own work with funders, we often hear hesitation to fund such efforts. That disconnect is a shame. ... After all, efforts that dismantle the structural racism at the heart of our most challenging social problems are the bedrock of building an equitable society for us all. They should be recognized and valued.” [more]
Britt Savage, Cora Daniels, Michael Borger, and Peter Kim, The Bridgespan Group

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