Hi Jack,
I’m getting ready to head to Little Rock to run in the Rasta 5k with our Democratic Candidate for Secretary of State, Anna Beth Gorman. My campaign manager just reviewed our numbers for September with me, and our Actblue report shows we are $440 short of reaching our monthly goal.
I’m reaching out to you now to ask for your support. We both know that if everybody does a little, no one has to do a lot.
For the past few months, we’ve outraised my opponent in individual contributions under $50, while she’s raked in big contributions from PACs and maxout donors.
We have people behind us – and if we can close this gap tonight, we’ll prove it to the media and pundits who are judging the strength of our campaign by the amount of money we raise and how many contributors we have.
So, I’m asking you one last time in September, will you make a contribution before we close the books on our last full month of financial reporting before the election?