Producing online tools like this is expensive and time-consuming, and requires meticulous work by our researchers to build accurate programs and bring the data to life.
But the stakes are so high for many ballot measures due to their direct impact on voters’ lives. Which is why OpenSecrets’ work is so urgently needed: so that you have free access to know who is spending big to sway your vote and shaping ballot referendums in their interests.
You can help us build reliable data tools that power a community of journalists, scholars and advocates who use them to strive towards a more transparent and responsive government.
Our fall donor drive is happening right now, and we need new supporters to accomplish our annual goal.
Our readers recognize the vital necessity of trusted money in politics data as the foundation for maintaining government accountability. If you have used our online tools in the past, please consider giving for the first time to our nonprofit cause.
With gratitude,
Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director
P.S. Readers allow us to keep these resources free. If now is not a good time to donate, you can also support our work by sharing tools or stories on social media. Be sure to tag OpenSecrets, and send us a message at [email protected] if you’d like help finding information on our website.