We need reforms to fix the Electoral Count Act. Our democracy is at stake.


Congress has an opportunity to ensure voters decide the outcome of presidential elections – not corrupt politicians. It's as simple as updating and strengthening the Electoral Count Act (ECA), and they could bring a proposal to a vote any day.

This week, the bill cleared a critical milestone after being passed out of the Senate Rules Committee by near-unanimous consent.1 But instead of voting on this critical legislation, there’s a chance senators will skip town to campaign for themselves in these final weeks before Election Day.

The time to fix our broken government is right now. Take two minutes to call your senators to pass reforms to fix the ECA before it’s too late.

 Call my senators

The ECA spells out the process for states to deliver their Electoral College votes to Congress, and how Congress counts those votes to declare a winner of the presidential election. But the current text is confusing and poorly written, leaving ample room for corrupt politicians to swoop in and claim that they can overturn the voice of the voters.

It seems like a no-brainer, right? By reforming the ECA, the Senate will make our government work better, clarify the role of the Vice President as ceremonial, and prevent states from going against the will of the people.

The American people should decide the outcome of elections, not corrupt politicians. That’s the very basis of our democracy. Let’s make sure that remains a reality.

Will you pick up the phone right now and call your senators to ask them to put country over party and close the loopholes in the ECA? Together, we can take an important step to protect the integrity of our elections against those who want to destroy it.

If enough voters call in, senators will be more inclined to take this seriously. Let’s make sure our voice is heard.


Sue Fothergill
Deputy Director of Organizing

[1] NBC News: McConnell endorses bipartisan bill to prevent another Jan. 6


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