Block 6th
Hi John,
The Annual Bearded Vulture Meeting 2022 is fast approaching!
If you want to learn the latest developments on Bearded Vulture conservation and research projects, it's time to register and start planning your trip.
As a reminder, the event is free and open to all.
11 to 13 November 2022
Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo, Italy 🇮🇹
Register to secure your place
Registration has now opened. Please complete the online registration form by 20 October 2022 to secure your place.
Present your work
Just like every year, our research team is busy preparing an exciting and packed programme. Once the draft programme is ready, we will share it with you. In the meantime, if you work with the species and want to present your project during the meeting, please get in touch with Franziska at [email protected] by 10 October 2022.
Plan your trip
All the information you need to book your accommodation, select your meals and organize your travel arrangements is available on the official event page.
Stay updated
You can stay up to date with the latest news and announcements about the meeting by searching #BeardedVultures2022 on social media and by following us on InstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.
Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to contact Alice at [email protected].
We hope you join us to celebrate the Bearded Vulture together!
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