Dear John,

As the festive season draws closer, we wanted to share a story of hope from the Kibera slum in Nairobi.

Before the Talking Boxes project came to her school, Grace (pictured above) was shy and withdrawn and felt unable to speak in front of others.

But now, at just 13 years old, she has become a beacon of hope for girls at her school.
“As a Talking Box ambassador my responsibilities are to encourage girls
to use the Talking Box to share their problems. 
Whether their problems are with a teacher at the school,
or at home or with each other.”

Grace plays a crucial role in making sure girls feel able to report sexual violence and get the support they need. With 1 in 3 girls in Kenya experiencing sexual violence before the age of 18, the Talking Box project is giving girls a way to share what they are going through for the first time.

With your support we can give girls like Grace the knowledge and confidence they need to break the silence on sexual violence in their schools and wider communities.

You can read more about Grace’s story here.

Every donation you make to Womankind has the potential to transform a life and to show a girl like Grace that you’re standing right there by her side.

Thank you for your support this Christmas.
With warm regards
Hannah Little
Womankind Worldwide 
P. S. Have you seen our latest film filmed at Grace’s school in Kibera? 

Watch it now to learn more. 
Joining the global campaign against gender-based violence

Between 25th November and 10th December, Womankind and our partners joined the annual global campaign to end violence against women. This year we focused on the multiple ways different women experience violence and called for an end to violence against all women.

Read more about the campaign in our blog post here.
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