Friend, Single-use throwaway plastic products and packaging are polluting our communities and our environment. And who's usually left to pay to clean up the mess? You do. I do. We all do -- except for the companies that produce all this plastic in the first place. PIRG and our supporters are working to make the producers of all this plastic take responsibility for their mess. To make sure we have the resources to challenge polluters and waste-makers -- and win -- we've set a goal of raising $10,000 by midnight tonight. And until midnight, your gift to PIRG will be matched by generous donors, dollar for dollar, doubling your impact up to $10,000 nationwide. Make your matched donation now. Our country is the world's largest plastic polluter, generating approximately 42 million metric tons of plastic waste annually.1 That's enough plastic to fill America's largest football stadium to the brim with waste between the time you wake up and the time you go to bed -- every single day.2 And what's more, the plastics industry has known for decades that the vast majority of plastic -- upwards of 90% -- couldn't or wouldn't be recycled. Yet it continues to beat the drum for consumer recycling as the solution rather than reducing their own production of single-use plastics.3,4 Let's take a closer look at some of the companies contributing to our plastic waste crisis:
Friend, will you help us raise $10,000 by midnight tonight to help us move our country beyond plastic? Donate before midnight and your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000 nationwide. The good news is that at PIRG, we're making a difference in a big way. We've helped lead the charge to ensure that a third of our country now lives in a state with a robust ban on one or more kinds of single-use plastics. And along with our national network, we've mobilized tens of thousands of Americans to urge major plastics producers like the ones listed above to cut single-use plastics out of their operations. Will you stand up to polluters and waste-makers by making a matched donation to PIRG today? Thank you for all that you do, Faye Park Your donation will power our dedicated staff of organizers, policy experts and attorneys who drive all of our campaigns in the public interest, from banning Roundup and moving us beyond plastic, to saving our antibiotics and being your consumer watchdog, to protecting our environment and our democracy. None of our work would be possible without the support of people just like you. | |
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