Dear John
Parliamentary News from Louise

This month
we mourned the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It was a loss felt
throughout the world. I still recall Her Majesty’s visit to Auckland
in 1981 with thousands of people anxiously waiting to see her, it was
a magical occasion.
Elizabeth II will be remembered for an amazing life of service and
dedication to others. I was privileged to attend the State Memorial
for her in Wellington. Her 70th Jubilee afternoon tea with Paddington
Bear will ensure she is also remembered for her sense of humour. May
she rest in peace.
Our series
of Into Work workshops are going well. I've had valuable feedback from
both employers and organisations who work with job seekers, about the
difficulties they face with finding workers.
Out and
about in the electorate visiting businesses like Turangi
Marine Limited, they tell me that theyb too are still desperately
in need of skilled workers. The Government needs to step up and make
it easier for workers to come from offshore, as we do not have the
workforce onshore to fill the jobs available.
I was also
recently privileged to
host South Waikato businesses in Parliament. Environmentally
friendly packagers, Oji Fibre Solutions, Earthworm product
manufacturers, Mynoke, and sustainable consumable suppliers, Ofi,
proudly showcased their businesses to a broad audience at
Parliament. They are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to
South Waikato businesses making their mark on the world.
World Suicide Prevention Week, I was joined by my colleague Matt
Doocey MP for a Wellbeing
Break. Our hosts Whānau Taupō are doing a fantastic job raising
awareness for this vital cause.
I look
forward to continuing to champion the cause of our country's high
maternal suicide rate. National's First
1000 Days initiative and my member's bill, the Three
Day Post Natal Stay Bill are focused on the well-being of newborns
and their mum's mental health. Watch my video here.
jobs tax
plans to impose a new 1.39% jobs tax on every worker and employer.
This tax will mean a typical worker earning $60,000 will be $834 worse
off yearly. That's $834 less for your groceries, your power and other
bills, and your savings. Employers would also be forced to pay the tax
for every employee on their payroll. Yet another cost on businesses to
factor in.
has launched a petition to stop Labour's tax plans. Watch my video here.
engagement opportunities
Friendly Forums
Thanks to
those who attended our recent Friendly Forums in Cambridge, Putaruru
and Turangi. These are important opportunities to hear what matters
to you and enable me to bring your concerns to Parliament.
Facebook Live
Tuesday 11
October, 8pm. Join me live on Facebook @louiseupstonmp
for our regular chat about issues that matter to you.
Women Influencers Taupō
November, Victoria's Cafe Kitchen Bar, 127 Tongariro Street, Taupō.
Tongariro Street, Taupō.