News from Representative Allred

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December 23, 2019

Dear John,

As we cap off 2019 I wanted to take a moment to let you know it has been an honor to serve as your Representative here in North Texas, where I was born and raised. On behalf of my wife Aly and my son, Jordan, we wish you and your family a very happy holiday season.

One of the most important parts of my job is learning from and listening to the folks I represent. 

Throughout my first year in Congress, I’ve traveled across North Texas, visiting small businesses, hospitals and nonprofit organizations. I’ve held round table discussions, town halls, and mobile office hours. I hear a variety of concerns, and different issues matter to different folks. As we get ready to welcome in the new year,  I’d like to hear from you! What are your biggest priorities for my work in Congress on behalf of North Texas?

Please take a moment to fill out my quick survey to let me know what priorities you’d like to see me focus on in 2020:

Click here to tell me your priorities for Congress.

I know North Texans need action on a number of top priorities including lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs, investing in our transportation infrastructure, rooting out corruption and reducing the influence of special interests and ensuring that every North Texan can live their version of the American Dream.  

I will continue working across the aisle to advocate on behalf of North Texas. It is truly an honor to represent the 32nd Congressional District of Texas. I look forward to another productive year and hope to see you around the district. Have a happy holiday season and a happy new year!


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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