From Nancy Pelosi <>
Subject DEVASTATING defeat
Date September 29, 2022 11:00 PM
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I badly need your help to outraise Republicans before the FINAL End of Quarter Deadline of this election.

Will you rush $15 to help me outraise Republicans before my LAST End of Quarter Deadline of this election year and stop them from EVER barging back into power again? >> [link removed]

Chip in now >> [link removed]

I cannot overstate the urgency.

I personally reached out several times.
Joe Biden asked for your help.
Barack Obama called you to action.
Kamala Harris sounded the alarm.
Adam Schiff told you the stakes.
Mark Kelly made an urgent plea.
Beto O’Rourke spelled it out.

That’s how absolutely critical this is.

I’m asking you to make a final choice before my LAST End of Quarter Deadline of this vital election year hits in 24 hours:

-- We can either fail to meet our budget goal, and give up our once-in-a-lifetime shot to buck all odds and WIN the House and WIN the Senate in these midterms.

-- Or we can step up with a HISTORIC fundraising surge -- 6,538 gifts in these final 24 hours -- OUTRAISE Republicans before the last deadline of this election, and hand them the most DEVASTATING defeat in political history. >> [link removed]

I don’t say this lightly:

Our shot at winning this election rests on meeting this LAST End of Quarter Deadline and ensuring Democrats have the financial resources to pull this victory off.

Will you rush $15? I’m counting on you more than I ever have before.

Chip in $15 now >> [link removed]
Chip in $25 now >> [link removed]
Chip in $50 now >> [link removed]
Chip in $100 now >> [link removed]
Chip in another amount >> [link removed]



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