Friend -

On Friday morning at 11:00 am EDT, I will be hosting a dialogue of two American military experts,?former State Senator Col. (ret.) Richard Black and military analyst Scott Ritter, on the world strategic situation in the wake of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage and the referenda in four former Ukrainian regions which have voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation. Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov has warned American leaders that they should stop talking about nuclear war with Russia as there is no such thing as a "limited nuclear war."

As American citizens, we most move our nation off this deadly trajectory toward doom.

UPDATE: Friday September 30, 11:00 am EDT:? Is World War III Avoidable?

As always, participation in my programs does not constitute endorsement of my candidacy, and the views expressed by my guests are their own.? This program is URGENT for American patriots who wish to avoid nuclear annihilation.`

On Friday evening in the NY Symposium, we will elevate our thoughts in preparation for the international "Observe the Moon Night" which occurs on Saturday, October 1 and is participated in? y people all over the world. Space should be a domain where the entire human race celebrates the creativity of our species as a universal principle.

NY Symposium Friday Sept 30 7:30 pm: Observe the Moon - Consider Earth from Above




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