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Simplifying the Electric Vehicle Tax Incentives in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act

September 29, 2022

While the name Inflation Reduction Act may make you think of combatting the rising price of goods and services in the U.S., the legislation is a groundbreaking step for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the country. You may have already heard about the $7,500 electric vehicle incentives to push Americans away from fossil fuel powered vehicles, as well as some confusing restrictions.

We’ve rounded up 8 things to know about the EV tax incentives put into place by the Inflation Reduction Act, which replaced all other electric vehicle tax incentives when it was signed by President Biden in August.


Electric School Buses Are Taking Students Back to School

September 14, 2022

Each weekday, more than half of the K-12 students in the U.S. – over 25 million pupils – ride a school bus. Until very recently, nearly all of these 500,000 buses ran on diesel fuel.

Nationwide, diesel-powered school buses produce more than 5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. They also generate air pollutants that are harmful to children’s health – especially fine particulates. Studies show that exposure to diesel tailpipe emissions worsens respiratory conditions, decreases lung function and can lead to increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits.

Shifting to cleaner buses is especially important for low-income students. Across the U.S., 60% of low-income students ride the school bus, compared with 45% of other students. School buses often idle their engines while they are loading or unloading, which exposes children directly to exhaust fumes.


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"It’s that time of year: pickling season! 🥒 From cucumbers to carrots to jalapeños to parsnips, you can pickle just about any fall harvest staples. [cont.]"


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