John -

I never expected to need to talk about abortion in this race.

My job is to safeguard billions of dollars of taxpayer’s money. This job is serious and has a serious impact on communities across our state.

But my opponent is out telling far-right groups across the state that if he wins, he’s going to use the office to help effectively ban all abortions in Minnesota.

I’ve got a big problem with that because ignoring the job and politicizing the office is going to put Minnesotans money at risk.

With our next deadline at midnight tomorrow, I need your help. Please, chip in $50 or more and help send a message to Ryan Wilson that you’re not going to let him use my office as a platform for his extreme positions.

Minnesota can’t afford to have an Auditor who is totally distracted by his obsession with rolling back women’s rights.

There are billions of dollars of taxpayer money on the line with the decisions made here in the Auditor’s office.

Contribute $50 or more to tell my opponent to take a hike and take his extreme plans for Minnesota with him.

Thank you,





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States